Top 20 Docker Interview Questions and Answers?Feb 8, 2022In Brief:1. What is docker?2. What are the benefits of using Docker Container?3. List the important features of Docker.4. State few demerits or drawbacks of Docker.5. Give an introduction about Docker Image.6. What is Docker Engine?7. Explain about Registries.8. What is Docker Swarm?9. What are the various states of a Docker Container?10. Introducing Virtualization and Docker Hub.11. Differentiate between virtualization and containerization.12. Explain about Docker Architecture.13. What do you understand about Docker File?14. Make a list of the lifecycle of a Docker Container.15. Give an Introduction about Docker Namespace.16. Explain Hypervisor in Docker.17. What do you understand about Docker Object Labels?18. How can you scale your Docker containers?19. Talk about the various kinds of volume mount types that are there in Docker.20. How can you configure the default logging driver under docker?
In Brief:1. What is docker?2. What are the benefits of using Docker Container?3. List the important features of Docker.4. State few demerits or drawbacks of Docker.5. Give an introduction about Docker Image.6. What is Docker Engine?7. Explain about Registries.8. What is Docker Swarm?9. What are the various states of a Docker Container?10. Introducing Virtualization and Docker Hub.11. Differentiate between virtualization and containerization.12. Explain about Docker Architecture.13. What do you understand about Docker File?14. Make a list of the lifecycle of a Docker Container.15. Give an Introduction about Docker Namespace.16. Explain Hypervisor in Docker.17. What do you understand about Docker Object Labels?18. How can you scale your Docker containers?19. Talk about the various kinds of volume mount types that are there in Docker.20. How can you configure the default logging driver under docker?